Convert HTML CSS to Image with Zapier
Navigate the integration link provided in the Getting Started with Zapier App page
Convert HTML CSS to Image
Follow the steps to convert HTML CSS into an Image :
Login to your Zapier Account.
On the Home page, click on the create option from the left most menu.
Select Zaps. A new page will appear, Give a name to your Zap.
Add Triggers
Click on the Triggers, select any of the application as a trigger. Under Events, choose an event corresponding to the application that starts your Zap.
Choose account you want to connect. Click Continue.
Select trigger and Click on Test Trigger.
Add Action
Click on Actions. In the search tab, type HTML to Image latest version and choose Generate Image from HTML and CSS under Events. Click Continue.
Connect HTML to Image Account by entering the API key in the Pop-up Window.
Under Action Tab, pass all the necessary parameters along with the HTML and CSS Content. Click Continue and Test Step.
You will see the URL to the Generated Image. Click Publish
Last updated